Monday, 29 April 2019

The Perfect Square

Today we watched The Perfect Square.

Then during ACTIVE play some children decided to use their imaginations and change their own perfect square.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Dog Safety

This week Tī Kouka had some very special visitors, Baxter the dalmatian and Chris from the Christchurch City Council.  Chris talked to us about how to keep ourselves safe around dogs.

Here are some of the things we learnt:

I learnt about picking up the poo - Justin
Baxter is fluffy and cute - Georgia
Ask someone that has a dog.  You can use your bag like a shield. - Gauri
Baxter and Chris came and we learned about dog safety.  Pick up poo.  Use bag as a shield. - Cassiel
If a dog is on it's own leave it alone.  - Maija

Friday, 5 April 2019

Gardening with Susan

The children in Ti Kouka have been helping our caretaker, Susan, look after our box gardens. 

We planted sweet pea seeds inside in peat pots.
We planted wildflower seeds in February in our garden and set up a stand for the sweet peas.

We looked after our seeds each day by making sure they didn't dry out.

Look at all the plants that have sprouted. We are looking after them by clearing out the weeds.

We are hoping that next term they will have some flowers and attract lots of bugs for our next inquiry topic.