Friday, 31 May 2019

Budding engineers

We have so much fun making beyblades out of lego. We use to make beyblades out of k'nex but we had to let Whio have a turn with them. Osten had an idea to make beyblades using lego instead. We have to make them strong. We can battle each other. We try to make them symmetrical so they are balanced. It's hard to find the tips for the bottom. 

By Vuitton, Cassiel, Macca, Muhammad, Stan

T14 Exploring symmetry

During maths time, T14 has been playing with flipping shapes and exploring symmetry.

We used mirrors to help us work out what the picture would look like if we flipped it.
 We also explored symmetry by painting and using matific on the iPads.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Fun Run

At the Fun Run, I was proud of me because I kept on running and I was fourth and I never gave up. I was cheering for people and I had lots of fun and I was very fast! I waved at my Mum and I was good at waving. My favourite part was jumping over the hurdles and I was puffed. I was so close to winning. By Issa

Ready, set, go! At the Fun Run, we jumped over hurdles and jumped through the hula hoops and we balanced on beams and we ran around trees. We went under the parachute. It was rainbow coloured. My favourite part was the hula hoops and the beam.
By Niamh

I feel proud because I crawled under the spider web. The spider web was so hard. By Nathan

I felt proud of myself on the wood. I didn't fall off. At the end, I felt tired. By Tamsin

I felt proud because I was smiling. I felt happy I didn't fall over at the end. I like the Fun Run. By Lexi

Ready, set, go and I was off and away. My favourite part was the slides. I felt hot at the Fun Run. By Naomi S

Friday, 24 May 2019

Life Education - Our time with Harold

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Harold this week. 

We used puppets to help explain how the spider in the story could help out Wolfgang. 

We also talked about how to take care of our bodies. 

Eric Carle - Insect Art

We started by practising our insects using our whiteboard and pens.

We looked at sizes, shape and discussed how to fill the space.

Then we made our used the paint to do lots of different layers onto our paper. We used different colours, brushes and sponges to make different textures. 

We had to wait for it to dry and do another layer the next day. 

We made a final plan of our shape on a piece of paper. Then we began cutting out our paper into the different shapes of our insects. 

We had to think carefully about where we placed the different body parts. 

We had:
6 Legs


Here are our finished insects. We are feeling so proud of ourselves for persevering and getting our art finished.